About Me


I'm Shelby and I'm a woman, veteran, nurse, sober gal, divorcee, dog mom, faerie smut reader, and sexual wellness enthusiast. I tell you all of that so you know that I wear some of the labels that society deems "taboo" with pride. Yes, I'm divorced (thank goodness). Yes, I'm sober (the second best decision I ever made). And yes, I love to talk about sex. 

These make me who I am and made me willing to share my history in an abusive relationship to help others that are in the same situation.

Inspired by getting fed up with all the secrecy around sex, Fires Within came about to start a conversation. We don't talk enough about what our relationships are truly like. If we did, we might be able to save each other a lot of heartbreak and pain. 

I survived an abusive relationship and am here to show you the signs I missed and help you through your healing journey when you are ready for it. 

You're not alone. We have a community that supports one another through whatever stage you're at. Whether you're just realizing some uncertainties or years out from the relationship, there's something for you here. 

Visit the blog to find out a little more about what got me started here.